Why Targeted Landing Page is Important for PPC and SEO?


target market

Here at Digital Marketing Philippines, the basic fundamentals and importance of setting up a profitable Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaign have been discussed in greater detail. Between these two powerful techniques, there is one vital element common that is crucial for digital marketing success – the landing page.

Both SEO and PPC are designed with a common goal in mind: drive targeted traffic to a particular web page. This web page could either be your website’s main homepage, or an independent landing page. However, it would do you no real advantage at all to get all these targeted traffic if no profitable result in terms of lead generation or sales – will come out from these visits.

That is why optimizing a targeted landing page is very important for the success of both your PPC and SEO campaigns. Each time a visitor clicks on your PPC advertising or click on the URLs that appear in organic search results, the ultimate action that you would want for them to take is to convert that visitor either as a generated lead or even a sale. This is where a good, optimized and targeted landing page comes into play.

Understanding What Landing Page Optimization (LPO) Is

For business owners, the landing page could be the most crucial element in their overall digital marketing campaign, as these pages are mainly responsible for converting traffic either as targeted leads or sales. This particular purpose is what landing pages were designed for and the process called Landing Page Optimization (LPO) is what you’ll need to ensure landing pages are well-targeted and optimized for conversion.

It is vital that you fully understand how you can fully optimize a targeted landing page as it is crucial for the success of either your PPC or SEO campaign. The page should be optimized not only to provide relevant information that your targeted visitors will find very useful for what they need, the landing pages should also possess the ability of effectively selling the product or service you are promoting. It would simply be a waste of your time and resources to draw in targeted visitors to a page that performs nothing in the way of conversion – in generating leads or sales.

What a Targeted Landing Page Does for Your PPC and SEO Campaign

Optimizing a targeted landing page that can work quite effectively for either your SEO or PPC campaigns should be on top of your overall digital marketing initiatives. There are many benefits in doing so and the following will give you an overview of what your brand or business can get through an optimized landing page.

1. Landing Page Optimization Leads to More Conversions

As mentioned earlier, landing pages are designed to convert traffic into either a lead or a sake, and landing page optimization ensures that every visit generated by either your PPC ad campaign or through an organic search engine result will have higher chances of conversion. You would only waste precious resources if all your PPC and SEO efforts are generating clicks that don’t lead to conversion because of a poorly designed landing page.

So, whether you are fishing for detailed contact information about your visitors or attempting to create a sale, the optimization of your landing page is crucial in converting each visit to what you have purposed them to achieve. With more conversions, which could eventually lead to more sales, the returns for your SEO and PPC investments can be realized sooner than what you may think.

2. Landing Page Optimization Provides You With Better Metrics

One of the advantages of digital marketing with traditional marketing is the ability to get various kinds of metrics and statistics that can help you plan your next steps. Your landing pages can be designed to integrate analytics and metrics system to give you an insight of what is effective in your campaigns, and what is not.

An example of a valuable type of metrics that is worthy of monitoring is the bounce rate. If you have very high bounce rates, then you should consider how your landing pages were designed and optimized. Identifying the cause can help you make adjustments on your landing pages, focusing only on what is working for your campaign and studying the ins-and-outs of what needs to be done to improve your landing pages.

3. Landing Page Optimization Helps You Cut Advertising Costs

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising involves cost. This is a known fact and was well-explained as necessary to ensure your ads compete for relevant keywords that will drive targeted traffic to your websites. However, it would be detrimental to your overall business performance if you keep on spending on ad placements without receiving or realizing tangible results in terms of conversions. An optimized landing page can help you get more conversions without spending additional on your advertising costs. You can also re-focus the savings you receive on additional PPC campaigns for other keywords.

4. Landing Page Optimization Helps Target Highly Specific Keyword Phrases

Search Engine Optimization thrives in focusing specific keyword phrases to drive in targeted audiences for your website. However, there are certain long tail or keyword phrases that are simply too difficult to incorporate into your main website pages. An optimized targeted landing page would be perfect for targeting these highly specific keyword phrases, making it easier for you to rank in search engine results. These highly specific keyword phrases are very important for your overall digital marketing campaign as these can be targeted for consumers already looking for highly specific brands, products and services – and has the greatest possibility for conversion.

5. Landing Page Optimization Increases Your Brand Reputability

There are many ways in designing an optimized and targeted landing page. Some of the most important elements that should be integrated into the landing page include valuable customer testimonials as well as your corporate or professional credentials, awards and achievements. These elements will help convince potential customers that they are working with the real deal company and they should be getting the right kind of customer service that they deserve. These will also develop a higher credibility for your brand, product or service, improving your online reputation and solidifying the trust your customers have for your business.

An Overview of How to Optimize Targeted Landing Pages

The process of optimizing targeted landing pages can go very complicated and highly detailed that it would need a separate set of articles just to clearly explain each vital step and element to really make your campaign work. For now, the following brief overviews can give you an insight on some of these important steps on how you can efficiently and effectively optimize your landing page for greater conversion.

1. Optimize Your Landing Page Theme

Visuals and how your landing page will look and feel is crucial for its success that is why it is an important consideration to include during optimization. This can all boil down to optimizing the theme you are using for your landing page. Although landing pages are independent or separate from your main website, the theme should match or complement your main website theme, particularly with the use of particular set of colors, graphics that include your company logo, and other visual elements utilized in your main website. This can improve brand awareness as well as giving them more inspiration to ultimately take action and convert.

2. Optimize Your Landing Page Content

As discussed in previous Digital Marketing Philippines articles, content is very important, and is in fact the most important aspect in your overall campaign. This applies to the content that you will be using in optimizing your landing page. Optimizing your landing page content includes developing a very strong and keyword-enhanced headline that will entice visitors to read more of your content and what you have to offer. In a similar manner, your main content should be crafted well, providing relevant information about what you are offering, and enticing them with a clear call to action – and a profitable response.

3. Optimize Your Landing Page Form

Landing page is designed to convert visitors into either leads or sales. Optimizing your targeted landing page by customizing and optimizing your contact form is crucial for increasing conversion rates in terms of generating leads. Each of your form’s fields should be clear and concise for your visitors, making a clear balance between getting more information and lead conversion by optimizing the number of fields you need to include. A clear call to action should also be integrated, whether you have promised the provision of a white paper, an ebook, or whatever offers you may have provided.

4. Optimize Your Landing Page Call To Action

A landing page is as good as its ability to convert site traffic into leads or sales. Without this ability, a landing page is practically useless. A good call to action should be an integrated part when optimizing your targeted landing page, clearly specifying what you would like your visitors to take as a next step. If the visitor finds these things confusing, they will most likely leave and you lose this very precious opportunity for conversion.

There is no doubt that optimized and targeted landing pages are very important not only for your Pay-Per-Click or Search Engine Optimization campaigns, but for your overall digital marketing campaign as well. Conversion that drives lead generation or sales is the ultimate goal for conducting digital marketing in the first place – and your optimized landing page sits smack right in the middle of all this. So and create and optimize your targeted landing pages now!