Wise business owners and digital marketers competing in the very competitive world on Internet marketing make use of both organic and paid online marketing channels. With Google controlling 67% of the search engine market in the United States, it is but logical for these marketers and business owners to do so.
The Google Display Network on the other hand has the capability of reaching up to 92% of all online traffic in the United States, proving how effective display advertising can be for promoting your business – any business – online. Google now makes it possible for digital marketers to conduct Remarketing – basically showing your display ads repeatedly to online users who have already visited your site or clicked on your ad. Google allows you to generate a special code using Adwords.
So, wherever they may be within the network of websites in the Google Display Network, variation of your ads will repeatedly be shown to them. This is a very efficient and effective system of marketing your brand to highly targeted audiences, boosting your conversions and revenues as well as hastening your ROI.
Such is the power of Remarketing in PPC and the following will tell you more about how your business can benefit from Remarketing.
1. You Can Increase Your Conversion Rate
On eCommerce site, many prospective buyers select items that goes to their shopping cart, but eventually bails out and abandon their online shopping move. Remarketing can and will track these visitors in an attempt to revisit your website and make them reconsider making the ultimate move to convert or purchase.
What Remarketing does for your business can be summed up in the following:
- Remarketing improves the user experience by showing them fresh reminders about your site and make them visit your website repeatedly
- Remarketing targets visitors who already started shopping at your site but abandoned their carts at the last minute
- Remarketing targets visitors who have shown interest in your site during their last visit but failed to make an inquiry, subscribed to a newsletter, or provide contact information as a valuable lead
2. You Can Leverage on the Rule of Seven
Good marketers, online or offline, are familiar with the concept of the “Rule of Seven” in marketing. What this concept basically imply is that targeted customers need to be exposed to your advertising or marketing information at least seven times – before they can make a favorable action like converting into a lead or a sale.
Of course, “seven” is not really the strict frequency for repeated exposure but the concept simply states that you need to make your prospects read, hear and see your message repeatedly before they make any profitable action. Remarketing is the perfect online strategy that leverages on this consumer behavior and turn your PPC advertising campaign into a very successful and profitable digital marketing strategy.
3. You Can Target Specific Visitor Segment Categories
One of the best things about Remarketing is that it is very flexible enough to allow you to be more precise in your prospect targeting. The system is so efficient and precise that it allows you to target website visitors according to their specific interests in your site. These visitors can be classified according to the following pages:
- Home Page – This is your site’s main broadcast window and Remarketing can target visitors who have at least visited your Home Page
- Product Page – If you have an online store or have products with their own specific pages, you can target each visitor who have visited and browsed through specific product pages
- Landing Page – the Landing Page is a very important component in a PPC campaign and you can retarget previous visitors who have clicked on your PPC ads and landed on these specified sales pages
- Shopping Cart – As mentioned earlier, potential buyers can reach up to shopping cart level but failed to make the next move and purchase. Remarketing can give them that little extra push to go ahead and proceed with the sale
- FAQ Page – You can retarget visitors to this page as they have shown good interest in what you have to offer but probably failed in making an inquiry
- Contact Page – Just like the FAQ page, visitors who have reached this level in your site are showing interest but maybe lacked that extra push to entice them to inquire
- Confirmation Page – People who converted are shown a confirmation page (a must for every site). Remarketing provides you a great tool for retargeting these visitors and enticing them to make another purchase or get interested with other product offerings in your arsenal
4. You Can Get More Cost-Effective Results from Remarketing
Targeting potential customers can be more cost-effective if done through Remarketing, as what a recent case study found out as reported by Eric Couch from Hanapin Marketing. The study compared the performance of a Remarketing campaign with the standard Search campaign, which was followed by another comparison, this time between Remarketing and standard Display advertising.
The results showed better performance for Remarketing on both counts, with a higher disparity in the comparison with Display advertising. Remarketing account for higher Conversion Rates, an Average Cost Per Click that is cheaper by 22%, and a Cost Per Conversion that is lower by 25%. What they got was 16.61% of conversions attributed to Remarketing that was remarkably achieved at only 12.93% of the cost compared to their traditional campaigns.
5. You Can Gain Better Visibility Across All Google Display Network Partner Sites
Microsoft reported that combining Display Advertising with traditional Search will yield up to 7 times better performance compared to conducting these campaigns separately, increasing traffic by as much as 23%. But this is just the tip of the iceberg on how you can leverage display advertising through Remarketing across the whole Google Display Network.
What this means is that Remarking can give you higher visibility across this network, giving the impression to targeted audiences that you are really putting great effort and investment in marketing your product.
This is what a recent campaign by Confio™ Software achieved in their “Monster Ads” Remarketing campaign.
They achieved greater visibility across the display network, generate positive feedback from customers, and higher ad impressions generated at up to 50% less cost compared to their standard display advertising campaigns. Confio’s CMO Don Bergal has very interesting words to say about Remarketing from all this:
“Remarketing has become an important tool for us to create initial awareness in our focused target market, and we are able to get far more impressions in front of this audience than possible with other programs. For those who already know us but see Confio only occasionally, it’s amazing the number of people who reach out and say they were surprised to see us show up on such a diverse range of sites. I think most people still don’t get it — they see us targeting websites, but really, we are targeting them.”
There are many effective tools available for business owners online, many of which are provided by the search engines themselves, like Google Adwords Remarketing. The Internet is a very competitive and very difficult marketing channel to penetrate, but with the right tools and the right procedures, businesses of any size can reach and attract highly-targeted audiences with greater-than-normal chances of being converted into customers – many times over.