How to Create Engaging Content – 6 Steps to Follow (Infographic)


A study conducted by Moz and Buzzsumo revealed that up to 75% of a million online articles they analyzed were not engaging content. This is alarming because content that failed to engage with your readers means no transformation ever took place – transformation that will convert your readers into either leads or sales.

That is why creating more engaging content has become a top priority among digital marketers as shown in the diagram above, but 60% of these marketers say that their biggest challenge in this endeavor is how to create enough engaging content.

But don’t get confused with all this as you might misinterpret the term “creating enough engaging content” and focus only in the term “enough” and think that what this imply is to simply create several content – tons and tons of content.

Even if you have a gazillion content that could fill up several websites over, if they are not high quality and engaging content that your targeted audiences would want to read and be genuinely interested in, then all your efforts would come to naught.

So, hold your horses and follow us in this journey of discovering these steps in creating engaging content.
