Digital Marketing in the Philippines – 2015 Edition (Infographic)


The Philippines is one of the fastest growing economies in Southeast Asia for the year 2014 and will continue to do so in 2015 according to the ASEAN Outlook released by Moody’s Analytics.

From a Digital Marketing perspective, the country posted a whopping 101% mobile penetration rate in 2014 and reflected a 39% Internet penetration rate from its population of a little over 97 million.  It would be interesting to point out though that 70% of its Netizen population are below 29 years of age but as much as 96% of its overall Internet users are on Social Media as well.

On top of these global indicators, Digital Marketing Philippines attempt to provide a rundown of the state of digital marketing in the Philippines in 2014. This includes comprehensive forecasts that will provide readers some insights on the outlook of digital marketing in the country for 2015, focusing on key areas relevant to business owners and digital marketers in preparation for next year – and beyond.

The infographic (click to zoom):
