Category: Landing Page

Landing Page, PPC

5 Dos and Don’ts When Creating a Landing Page for PPC

May 20, 2014

Landing Pages should receive the same careful planning as your ads and other important aspects of your PPC campaign to ensure that your online prospects stay engaged (lowering your bounce rate) and th......

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Infographics, Landing Page

The Anatomy of a High-Performing Landing Page (Infographic)

March 14, 2014

To increase the overall effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns, you need to roll out high-performing landing pages that can deliver your targeted leads or sales goals for your products or s......

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Landing Page, PPC, SEM, SEO

10 Useful Tips When Creating Targeted Landing Page for PPC and SEO that Converts

December 9, 2013

The proliferation of Digital Marketing tools and their availability for businesses of all sorts, size and niche make it even easier than ever before to drive traffic to your websites. If done right, t......

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Landing Page, PPC, SEM, SEO

Why Targeted Landing Page is Important for PPC and SEO?

December 5, 2013

Both SEO and PPC are designed with a common goal in mind: drive targeted traffic to a particular web page. This web page could either be your website’s main homepage, or an independent landing page.......

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