8 Reasons Why an Integrated Digital Marketing Campaign is Needed? (Infographic)



It’s a highly digital and integrated world and business owners trying to succeed with their brands, products and services need to adopt similar digital and integrated strategies to really make a difference in this highly competitive new arena. The times are definitely changing and traditional marketing channels simply don’t have that much impact and effectiveness like they used to. Internet advertising already surpassed ad spending on cable and television networks – and that’s just the beginning.

But if you’re a really competitive business owner, you’d definitely go for an effective method that delivers results – higher revenues and faster ROI – but you won’t achieve this by sticking to just a single channel. As much as 72% of consumers do want to connect with brands using integrated digital marketing strategies as previous studies confirm, and yet many businesses are still slow to adapt such multi-channel marketing campaigns.

Implementing an integrated digital marketing campaign may not be as complicated as many small and medium business owners may think. An integrated and multi-channel digital marketing strategy can weave wonders for your online presence – and the future of your business – and Digital Marketing Philippines tries to help you understand why you need to:

The infographic (click to zoom):
