The social media has greatly shaken up the world of digital marketing in 2016. Suddenly, a lot of marketers across the globe have become so obsessed with the idea of connecting and engaging with their audience through social media sites. And with billions of users worldwide, there can be no doubt that social networks are one of the surest ways to break through the clutter on the internet nowadays.
The B2B Content Marketing 2017: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report from CMI and Marketing Profs state that B2B marketers rate social media at 40% – placing it on the second spot in terms of tactics most critical to content marketing success in 2017.
That said, there are trends and shifts that are looming the social media marketing sphere that B2B marketers should watch out in 2017 to remain competitive in the marketplace. In this infographic, Digital Marketing Philippines will present to you the top trends that will shape the world of social media marketing landscape for B2B organizations in 2017.